The "I’m not sure how I’ll ever top this gift!" kind of gift - the IMPACT book®

We created the IMPACT book® to help you tell incredible people how much they matter.

We all have those people in our life who don't know how much they matter to us or the world around them. Whether it's a parent who has sacrificed for us for years, a co-worker who is always bringing a smile to everyone's faces, a best friend who you know is always there—whoever they are, they have made the lives of those around them better. But they probably don't know the impact they've actually made on their world... and we want to help you tell them.

"This is the perfect present for someone that needs extra love!! I appreciate the confidence and love that IMPACT has brought to my husband." - Alyssa V.

The IMPACT book is a personalized book compiled of notes and memories to tell someone the impact they have on the people in their lives. After you order, you'll receive a link to send out to everyone you'd like included in the book. The link includes three question for people to answer:

1) What is your favorite memory with [recipient]?
2) How has [recipient] impacted your life?
3) How has [recipient] helped you?


We divide the answers up into three sections: Memories, Impact, Helped. All of the memories are featured in the first section, all the answers to the impact question in the second, etc. We put them together in a book with photos you've sent our way, and we send it off! 


"I’m not sure how I’ll ever top this gift!" - Kelsey L.


We have heard time and time again how this is the best gift someone has ever given. We've also gotten to hear from people who received the book, and they've said they have never received anything like this. One recipient text his daughter and said, “I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading everything y’all wrote and going down memory lane with all of your great stories! Thank you is an understatement! This book is priceless to me, and I will always treasure it and the relationships represented in it!”


What does the inside look like? 

Here are some screen grabs from a recent video we did of the 8x10 hardcover IMPACT book. The book was made for a chiropractor who was retiring. Book examples used with permission. 

The cover comes in a variety of colors. Pictured is light blue.

The word IMPACT is stamped in gold in the front cover.

The first page of every book explains what the book is and the questions that were answered by everyone in the book.

Every book features the recipient's name on the third page. (Not pictured: a photo is now included on the second page, next to the page with the name. This book example is from our old design, which did not include an explanation.)

The first section is all the memories that people submitted. Names have been blurred out for privacy. 

The next section is all of people's thoughts on the ways the recipient has impacted their life.


The third and final section is for the ways the recipient has helped everyone that answered.

At the very end, we leave one final reminder for them:

The IMPACT book was created with purpose of telling people they matter. [Click here] to visit our store and start your book today.


And if you're not convinced that it'll be amazing... watch the range of emotions experienced by an incredible guy who was gifted one. Grab the tissues!


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1 comment

I was very green and had very little teaching experience when you came to Monett. I wanted to let you know. I really learned allot by watching you and how you talk to students. I really enjoyed working for you and place you at the top of my favorite managers I have had through my life. I wish you the very best !

Scott Wright

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